If you think that is a bad review, you should read my work performance review👎.Which left me more than scratching my head.
The Rebel.
as a published author on amazon, i'm used to getting negative reviews from time to time.
it goes with the territory and i'm ok with it.
writing is an art form, so no art is liked by everyone.
If you think that is a bad review, you should read my work performance review👎.Which left me more than scratching my head.
The Rebel.
last night i was looking over the notes on my old elders book and one of the instructors told us to write this down.
"when you want to get the friends to believe and obey anything, just keep saying it over and over and over and eventually they will believe it and follow whatever they are being told.
when i went back to school, i learned this quote in one of my world history classes..
"When you want the friends to believe and obey anything, just keep saying it over and over and eventually they will believe it and follow what ever they are being told"
I think at some stage, many people sence the truth of what they have been repeatedly told even if it was a lie. This makes them miserable and obviously not appreciating, but rather despising the Elders who taught them the lie.
The Rebel. " When you want the friends to believe and follow your example, then keep showing them love and respect, over and over and eventually they will love and respect what you are showing them"
The Rebel
because it wasn't true anyway.
it was a dream.
the insanest dream, to believe that i was going to live forever.. but today i am alive, and i am determined to travel the seconds between life and death aware of my mortality.
because it wasn't true anyway. It was a dream. The insanest dream, to believe that I was going to live forever.
But today I am alive, and I am determined to travel the SECONDS between life and death aware of my mortality. My now being mortal is a new beginning, a REAL exsperience, I will try and appreciate.
This is why I am happy to believe the W.T will one day be defeated.
Is that an insane thought?
A) I don't really care, it makes me contented and happy.
And finding sites like this I realise that it is not an insane thought. And I realise there are so many ex-witnesses scattered all over the globe. I see us as victims of an earthquake. After an earthquake, many are still in shock. But the simple fact is we survived that earth quake and are alive. We may for the moment have lost love ones to that Earthquake but there is hope they will be found in the rubble, and at the same time our exit is a victory against the Watchtower.
So today as I write, I realise I don't want to be in love with my hatred towards the W.T. It has taken me over a year to get rid of that assumption. I also realise sites like this make the school of " Life" our common classroom. I wonder what I can learn by asking you:-
A) Where are you in your recovery stage?
B) How long did it take to get where you are?
C) And where do you hope to be a year from now?
The Rebel.
i believe anyone who has voluntarily left a cult has shown they can adapt to new solutions, and have used " critical thinking" skills otherwise most would not have left.. yet i believe a safe place for support is still needed and this safe place i believe is searched for.. now i may not measure up to much in ways of education, but for me personally " critical thinking skills" = " new" a " new" way of thinking, that takes time for me the individual to be visual and to contemplate.
and the more i read about " critical thinking," the more convinced i am that i can live with the ridicule of those that claim i do not possess it.
furthermore i would say those that criticise others " critical thinking skills," often luck the sensibility and thoughts to snore, spit, and fart....nor would they understand a room full of tobacco smoke and cheap booze...where " critical thinking " can often be found in its most profound, in the most sensitive poems and "pictures" that were ever drawn.
Well obviously posting is about right proportions. Often by reading and contemplating what a person has written, we unearth a well of riches.
Often I am inspired by questions raised by the pupils, willing to learn as much as I am by the masters. But I have also found some wonderful and inspiring teachers here. Admittedly there is also the odd eccentric, but I can live with that.
The Rebel.
i believe anyone who has voluntarily left a cult has shown they can adapt to new solutions, and have used " critical thinking" skills otherwise most would not have left.. yet i believe a safe place for support is still needed and this safe place i believe is searched for.. now i may not measure up to much in ways of education, but for me personally " critical thinking skills" = " new" a " new" way of thinking, that takes time for me the individual to be visual and to contemplate.
and the more i read about " critical thinking," the more convinced i am that i can live with the ridicule of those that claim i do not possess it.
furthermore i would say those that criticise others " critical thinking skills," often luck the sensibility and thoughts to snore, spit, and fart....nor would they understand a room full of tobacco smoke and cheap booze...where " critical thinking " can often be found in its most profound, in the most sensitive poems and "pictures" that were ever drawn.
Vivianne: " if every one is " special" that just becomes what everybody is ,ie,, normal"
The Rebel. No where in my post did I suggest every one was special. I said " each sincere post, is written by someone special"
Having said that I also wrote " I am not interested in splitting ropes with thinkers that do not understand empathy" so maybe I should back off.
The Rebel
Calendar Airplanes:-
A great visual post. But 165,000 civilians have been killed by allied bombs on Iraq. So now I have left the W.T curse I am careful to think my government a lesser evil.
The Rebel.
I am very anti watchtower , but carts made in China, that is not even a conscious issue, whether we like it or not that's just the way " I" and 99% run a business.
Or rather I buy my boy " Nike" shoes shame on me.
Maybe I am wrong, but I feel a bit hypocritical criticising the " Borg" for carts made in China. Or rather I think my hatred for the W.T is ....well to much thinking is shit, but I have a list, quite a long list......
The Rebel
i believe anyone who has voluntarily left a cult has shown they can adapt to new solutions, and have used " critical thinking" skills otherwise most would not have left.. yet i believe a safe place for support is still needed and this safe place i believe is searched for.. now i may not measure up to much in ways of education, but for me personally " critical thinking skills" = " new" a " new" way of thinking, that takes time for me the individual to be visual and to contemplate.
and the more i read about " critical thinking," the more convinced i am that i can live with the ridicule of those that claim i do not possess it.
furthermore i would say those that criticise others " critical thinking skills," often luck the sensibility and thoughts to snore, spit, and fart....nor would they understand a room full of tobacco smoke and cheap booze...where " critical thinking " can often be found in its most profound, in the most sensitive poems and "pictures" that were ever drawn.
I started this thread about a month ago. So what have I learnt?
A) I am just an ordinary poster.
B) More worried about myself and my posting image than other posters opinions. ( I have tried to correct that)
C) I don't start, or respond to posts to be controversial, but I won't hide where I am at.
D) If we don't speak or rather write from the heart our words are like gonorrhoea,which in my definition is a disease requiring the exposition of a shameful secret.
So in my opinion " Words are words" " Ego is ego"
But like most people who write words here I have an " ego" " inner feelings" and a " luck of education" . Such failure is a lonely work when the more educated shout to loudly, and crash the uneducated down.
But it's wonderful when empathy is heard on this "wide world web " so that uneducated people" like myself can learn.
So what more have I learnt here?
The scientists here have taught me that there are spheres or levels of different kinds of unity, in art, in nature, and even science. Each has a percuilar existence in each of us. But some think they are 100% right, others think they are 75% right.
As for me my critical thinking skills my guess they are 50% right, my opinion 45% right, and my posts not read by many. So for most posters I am non existence. But what I read and I write here I do with with my heart, my limited education and my conscience.
Furthermore I am not interested in splitting ropes with thinkers that do not understand empathy.
What do I mean by empathy?
The feeling that each sincere post, is something written by someone special.
Otherwise sincere posts and the questions raised can leave the poster........well they feel they can't swim here anymore.
The Rebel.
while many think that the ruling is good for the gays and their response is: how does that affect your marriage; then on the other side the religious people cry god and sinners.
but both are missing the forest through the trees.. the problem with the ruling is that which is discussed here so many times.
five unelected federal officials decided on policy for the whole country, running roughshod over every democratic principle.
Vivianne " look it's simple. The constitution says all laws must apply equally and that they cannot without compelling state reason be partial"
The Rebel ( A) The constitution was written late 1700s.
Are those laws interpreted? Or is it the origional meaning that must apply today?
If the origional meaning, shouldn't a person have the right to defend themselfs against ink that was spilled so long ago? Isnt to live by laws written in the late 1700s, insane?
The Rebel.
1) he views devotees with disgust; because they use god as a means to fulfillment of their materialistic ends, and they constantly pester him with request to violate his own laws (principle of action and consequence).
hence devotees are materialistic in its true sense.
they even interpolate things into scriptures to suit their convenienceas confirmed by prophet jeremiah himself (jeremiah 7:22; 8:8).
Inconoclassic (Q) " Rebel, maybe you didn't read my third paragraph"
The Rebel (A). Trying to read and answer questions in words on a forum is not as easy as A B C D E. We read a post, try to understand it and reply by putting the letters together, I am sorry if my answer was complicated or unsatisfactory,
I think some questions are not for a discussion forum. I do not think one can fully understand what another has tried to write. It is insane, madness, to assume that.
The Rebel.